I help you get better sleep

with happy hormones.

It's time to put you, first. 

You can say goodbye to your sleep struggles that come with PMS, perimenopause and menopause (along with those mood swings, fatigue and extra pounds that just won't budge!).

No matter how long you've been struggling, you're now in the right place.

I'm currently accepting new patients via waitlist.

Ready to have happy hormones

and sleep deep? 

I help you get better sleep

with happy hormones.

It's time to put you, first. 

You can say goodbye to your sleep struggles that come with PMS, perimenopause and menopause (along with those mood swings, fatigue and extra pounds that just won't budge!).

No matter how long you've been
you're now in the right place. 

Sweetheart, you don't have to suffer.

My deepest desire and dream for you is that you discover how happy you can truly be.

Let's cut through the BS and get to the real reasons you're lying awake at night and feeling broken.

Sweetheart, you don't have to suffer.

My deepest desire and dream for you is that you discover
how happy you can truly be.

Let's cut through the BS and get to the real reasons
you're lying awake at night and feeling broken.



Your sleep is broken. 

You aren't.

You know if you could get a consistent good night's sleep, everything would be better. You probably also know or have an *inkling* that your hormones are holding you back.

Maybe you've been struggling since having kids (no matter how long ago that was!), with those pesky PMS symptoms, are starting to wonder if you're peri-menopausal or are in your menopausal years.

You want to know what's going on in your body, what's happening with your hormones and you know with better sleep, you would be able to do more of what you love and have been meaning to do - you're just too tired to get started. 

You've also been putting everyone and everything else before yourself for so long - but you're reaching a breaking point.

  • You have more "bad days" than good
  • You're so tired of feeling tired - but have been told "this is just what happens now"
  • You fall asleep out of pure exhaustion but wake up and struggle to get back to sleep during the night - Helloooooo monkey mind, busy brain and restless mind
  • You're moody during the day and this is putting a strain on your ability to show up as your best self at home and at work
  • You feel guilty when you try and slow down and take a break
  • You've achieved so much in other aspects of your life - why can't you just figure this out?

Sound familiar?

I know what it's like to feel frustrated in the vicious cycle of daytime exhaustion, nighttime sleeplessness and hormonal havoc -because I've been there too.

While you feel broken, you aren't.

You don't have to suffer with your symptoms. I know you can feel like you again. 

I know you can have the energy, motivation and deep sleep you're missing!

You have important goals and people in your life that are counting on you to feel your best.

Let's make it happen.

Hi! I'm Dr. Leigha

I know what it’s like to be choosing between family, work, your dreams or a good night's sleep.

And I know that you want to find the way to get better sleep at night to fuel the energy you want to have in the day.

As a mom, entrepreneur, community builder and naturopathic doctor on a mission to help women achieve their highest potential, I help women sleep deep at night to do what sets their soul on fire during the day.

I’ve combined my years of training and practice as a naturopathic doctor with extensive knowledge in the science of sleep after struggling with my own insomnia.

After treating thousands of women, I’ve developed a unique

5 step framework to help you fix your broken sleep and harness the power of your hormones.

 The result is the best possible version of you.

As your individual guide, I'm here to help you cut through the BS and take you through the 5-step process I've developed to help women have happy hormones & better sleep. This process integrates research-backed methods that have solid evidence for effectively improving sleep, mood, energy and metabolism in thousands of women.

When we work together 1:1, this process is personalized to your needs and goals.

I not only work with women like you, but I teach other clinicians how to use integrative medicine to improve their patients' hormone and sleep health through ongoing continuing education courses, podcast interviews and media features.


Your hormones and sleep are connected. 

There's no coincidence women are twice as likely than men to experience sleep disturbances.

Most women will experience sleep changes and disruption with hormonal changes -  with PMS, postpartum, peri-menopause and menopause.

That doesn't mean you have to suffer in sleeplessness.

It means you need a plan that supports your hormones AND your sleep. 

Your doctor should be willing to talk to you about the options and solutions available to you - including hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 

Let's have that conversation and get you the answers you're looking for.

"Sleep is the ultimate foundation of health. 

If you're not sleeping, you're not healing."

Dr. Leigha Saunders, ND

A good night's sleep changes everything.

When you sleep well, you can be well.

After treating thousands of women, I’ve developed a unique methodology that helps you fix your sleep struggles, balance your hormones and become resilient.

The result is the best possible version of you and everything you want to create and accomplish.

"I have struggled with sleep for over ten years. The simple steps in Dr. Leigha's sleep program made me become more aware of the little ways I have control over my sleep patterns. Dr. Leigha’s passion and experience is so encouraging. She provides great information as well as so many easy tools to help with getting a better night's sleep."

- Better Sleep Bootcamp Community Member

It’s all possible for you, too!

I'm on a mission to help women sleep deep at night so they can do what sets their soul on fire during the day.

I want you to feel energized and excited when you wake up in the morning. I want you to feel connected to your passion and purpose.

Say goodbye to the monkey mind and frenetic energy and hello to calm, confidence and clarity.

This is an entirely different approach to your health and healthcare experience.

"I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning about our hormones and how they cycle. I have been guilty of thinking my sleep pattern was totally random. After learning how to track my sleep patterns and hormones in Dr. Leigha's sleep program, I have learned it most certainly is not! Now I have a plan and strategy to help my hormones AND sleep!"

- Arlene, Better Sleep Bootcamper

Are you a clinician who's tired of struggling to help your patients sleep

and wondering what my secrets are? Download my brain!

This 10 hour, continuing education credit approved course takes you through the most up to date research integrative solutions for insomnia - from best practices for prescription sleep aids, to creating a CBT-I practice, to using supplements, hormone therapy, light therapy and more. 

I even teach you the best practices for using sleep tracker and wearable data to inform your treatment plan, as well as the most effective, evidence-based treatments for other sleep disturbances like Restless Legs Syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Shift Work and Bedtime Procrastination.

PLUS a ton of incredible referral letter templates, EMR templates and flip-to-on-the-fly resources to use in practice are included!

"Dr. Leigha is the leading authority on all things sleep. Her evidence based, lifestyle management approach is what makes her such a champion and voice for the increased quality of sleep for my community and patient base. Her passion and methodical articulation of the research have helped empower & transform my sleep prescriptions; her course is a must-do!"

Dr. Michelle Peris, ND

“When I have a sleep related question or concern, there’s only one person I turn to: Dr. Leigha.” 

Dr. Sarah Vadeboncoeur, ND

"Being able to confidently discuss the safety, efficacy and utility of both natural and pharmaceutical sleep aids is crucial for your practice. Dr. Leigha Saunders distills such an ever-changing and expansive amount of sleep research into simple and clinically meaningful information."

Dr. Colin O'Brien, ND

Most patients start working with me after they've seen numerous other practitioners about their sleep and hormone struggles, including other naturopathic doctors. 

Yet, their problem remains. 

When we review what they've tried, the solutions they've been offered are outdated protocols that aren't backed by research and lack the critical components of a successful plan for happy hormones and better sleep. 

If you're ready to work with the go-to naturopathic doctor on all things sleep + hormones - look no further!

This is what you've been looking for

If you've been craving more energy, balanced moods, a way to regulate your hormones and sleep deep - I am here to help.

Too many women search for answers and solutions, only to have their concerns dismissed.

I believe your story matters. I know you can feel better. 

I'm committed to helping you find the answers and solutions you've been looking for. 

This is healthcare done differently and I invite you to join me.



There are 4 main reasons why women wake up in the night and struggle to fall back to sleep. Find out why you're waking up and what you can do about it with my Break Up With The Wake Up Quiz.

Let's be social. Hang out with me on Instagram - @drleighasaundersnd

Follow me here

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